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Copenhagen Consensus Center

Battling Chronic Killers of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Salt

Published by

Addis Fortune

Over the course of the 20th Century, tobacco smoking killed around 100 million people, most of whom lived in today’s rich countries. However, that picture is changing, and the health burdens of smoking are now moving from high-income to low- and middle-income countries.

Each week, Bjorn Lomborg is writing about the 12 most phenomenal solutions for global development in 20+ newspapers worldwide. You can read his article on chronic disease in publications including Daily Nation (Kenya), Addis Fortune (Ethiopia), National Post (Canada), La Prensa (Nicaragua), The Jordan Times, The Ghana Report, Business Day (South Africa), Milenio (Mexico), Listin Diario (Dominican Republic), Tempi (Italy), Portfolio (Hungary), El Periodico (Guatemala), El Comercio (Peru), El Universal (Venezuela), El Herlado (printed).