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Mens verden triller tommelfingre, er tuberkulose blevet den mest dødbringende, smitsomme sygdom – men der er en løsning (As the world twiddles its thumbs, tuberculosis has become the deadliest infectious disease – but there is a solution)

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Global dithering has allowed tuberculosis to become the biggest infectious killer. Ending tuberculosis is one of the world’s most effective policies. We have promised way too much for 2030, but tackling tuberculosis is one of the few, most effective policies we must carry through.

Each week, Bjorn Lomborg is writing about the 12 most phenomenal solutions for global development in 20+ newspapers worldwide. You can read his article on tuberculosis in publications including Berlingske Tidene (Denmark, in Danish), Philippine Daily Inquirer, National Post (Canada), La Prensa (Nicaragua), The Nation (Kenya), Milenio (Mexico), Tempi (Italy), Portfolio (Hungary),  The AustralianJakarta Post (Indonesia), Jordan Times, Morgunbladid (Iceland), Addis Fortune (Ethiopia).