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Copenhagen Consensus Center

Dominican Republic

15 September, 2015 – Listin Diario a news source from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed by Bjorn Lomborg which discusses the 19 most bang-for-the-buck post-2015 development targets. 

11 August, 2015 – Lístin Darió a news source from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed by Bjorn Lomborg discussing four of the most bang-for-the-buck post-2015 development targets.

5 May, 2015 – Listin Diario a news source in the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed article by Nobel Laureates and Bjorn Lomborg discussing smart development goals of the post-2015 agenda.

16 January, 2015 - Listin Diario a news source from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing air pollution targets for the post-2015 development agenda.

7 January, 2015 - Listin Diario a news source from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing post-2015 targets to tackle infectious disease epidemics.

22 December, 2014 - Listin Diario a news source from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing poverty targets for the post-2015 development agenda.

16 December, 2014 - Listin Diario a news outlet from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing infrastructure targets for the post-2015 development agenda.

3 November, 2014 - Hoy Digital  a news source from the Dominican Republic  has published an op-ed by Bjorn Lomborg discussing the smartest post-2015 targets to climate change.

16 September 2014 - Listin Diario a news source from the Dominican Republic has published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg discussing the role of illicit financial flows in the post-2015 development agenda. 

9 September, 2014 - Listín Diario a major news outlet from the Dominican Republic published an op-ed article by Bjorn Lomborg in which he discusses the role of education in the post-2015 agenda .