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Copenhagen Consensus Center

How to organize and facilitate a youth forum

Become a facilitator

You can join a growing group of people who are organizing and facilitating Youth Forums around the world. 

Local facilitators have three main responsibillities:  

* setting up the forum, identifying possible partners and a venue, and advertising and enrolling participants. We can help with flyers and other materials you might need. The task is likely to be of interest to young people in education - at university, college, high school. 

* running the forum, facilitating discussion, ensuring that all the targets are covered and the participants understand the task. We provide a press article based on research which presents the economic facts in an accessible way. Mroe detailed information is available on our website. Students and facilitators can explore topics in as much depth as they want. 

* collecting and delivering the outputs - the completed rating sheets, short video presentations and photographs from each participant. All these will then be used in social, digital and traditional media to promote the views of young people, and to support the Post-2015 Consensus project's work on the prioritization of the targets. 

Forums can have 10 or 100 people participants, it can take place in one day or over a few weeks - the exact way in which it is held and organized is up to you. What we need are the responses - the videos, photos and completed rating sheets.


For more information, take a look at the Facilitator Guide. Or e-mail us at forum@copenhagenconsensus.com.